A Neida
Calle Camiños Chans, 45 - 15298 Cee
How to arrive from A Coruña to Cee
By motorway, take AG-55 or by road, C-552 which joins A Coruña with Cee.
Cee is 96 Km. far from A Coruña.
Travel lenght from A Coruña to Cee: 1 hour
How to arrive from Santiago de Compostela to Cee
The short way is following AC-544 road through Negreira then you will find A Pereira roundabout to Finisterre and, finally in Berdoias follow C-552 road to Cee.
If you have time, there is a longer but nicer the way along the coast. From Santiago de Compostela to Noia and there, take C-550 road which passes Muros, Carnota until you arrive to Cee.
Travel lenght from Santiago de Compostela to Cee (short way): 1 hour.
How to arrive from Vigo to Cee
From Vigo to Santiago take motorway AP-9, and Santiago-Sur-Milladoiro-Noia exit. When you arrive to Bertamirans take the Negreira exit and, from there the same itinerary described previously, that is to say Negreira-A Pereira-Berdoias-Cee.
Travel lenght from Vigo to Cee: 1 hour, 45 minutes.
GPS coordinates A Neida:
Latitude 42º 56' 47.05'' Longitude -9º 11' 37.71".